Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Ghost for the day

Hello! Well, this is Nurul Adlina's blog in case you do not know who is the owner 😁 And, this will be the first post. Yay to me, finally a post hehe 😎

So for the 1st day of the school break, I went to University of Tun Abdul Razak to be a ghost 😊 The reason why I became one because for a charity event handled by my friend's brother. This charity event is to help the mother of his friend's brother who is currently fighting with cancer.

My friend came to me and ask me whether I could join her helping his brother for the event, so I said yes and I thought that it would be fun to do things with your friend. And it turned out that my expectation is right! Yes, it was fun to disturb people and they scream and get scared easily 😂 It was very funny, I laughed a lot and even when we are in the duty to scare people, I still laugh and thanks to my laugh, it scares people 😂 If you know me well, my laugh is a high pitched laugh, which you'll get annoyed easily hehe.

The first day of school break has filled with something memorable, and so do I hope the other days will be fun and memorable too 😛

Here is some photos that we took! And thanks to Aiman Nawfal, he took a lot of pictures and send it to us! 😃

these are the people who is available to help out, and there is some more, just they don't want to join hehehe 😁

Overall, it was super fun and the one who organized the event was super happy and hope we could help again. It's not that hard being a ghost at all 😀

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